IPv6 to IPv4 Converter

Input 3f08:808:808:80a:b22:c1c:e25:1d1e
Query IPV6 to IPV4
Result (IPv4)


IP addresses can be represented in several different ways, including IPv4, IPv6, integer etc. Following we defined only format of IPV6, IPV4 and integer

IPv4 address format

This is the most common notation for IPv4 addresses. Each address is 32 bits in length and the 32-bit address is broken up into four 8-bit octets. For Example:,, and Here are IPv4 Ranges you can browse all ranges of each IPv4 network addreses from start to end IP. This tool is provided by the help of IP Find.

IPv6 address format

IPv6 IP addresses are 128-bits in length. Although IPv6 addresses are 4 times as long as IPv4 addresses, IPv4 addresses can still be written in IPv6 notation. Two colon characters (::) can also be strung together to shorten notation and eliminate groups of zeroes. Examples include ::3834:c0d:7326, ::3809:c0d:e09, and 3809:c0d:e0f:f0f:f0f:f0f:f0f:f0f. Here are IPv6 Ranges you can browse all ranges of each IPv6 network addreses from start to end IP.

Integer format

To convert an IP address to integer notation, each section of the IP address (separated by ".") is multiplied by 256x. In this case, x represents the position of the section from right to left, starting with 0. Here is an example using this formula: = (192 * 2563) + (168 * 2562) + (1 * 2561) + (1 * 2560)

How IPV6 and IPV4 Converter Tool Works?

For IPv6, the octects are represented as a hexadecimal number, while IPv4 uses decimal. This free IP address converter can convert any IPV6 internet protocol address into an IPV4 internet protocol Address. It takes IPV6 IP Adsress as input string and generates a query against given IPV6 address (i.e ipv6 to ipv4). Query generates an output response an IPV4 IP Address as well as it produces an invalid input message if provided IPV6 is invalid or not convert able by IP Find ipworld.info